
What is MemePad?

MemePad is a protocol designed for cross-chain token pools and auctions, allowing projects to raise capital in a decentralized, permissionless, and interoperable Fahrenheit Chain environment.

MemePad allows projects to raise funds from a community of professional and retail investors. The future of fundraising will be decentralized, but it will only scale if it allows for an interoperable token swap through a well-regulated platform and an incentivized community.

The MC/wMC token plays an important role in the Fahrenheit ecosystem by being a token for staking and governance. Both of these features are essential to attract and retain high-quality community members long-term as token holders who share the vision of both MemePad and projects that use MemePad's platform. to raise funds.

Use Case:

Startups and projects can raise funds on MemePad’s interoperable and decentralized infrastructure.

This technology can also have other applications outside of fundraising, such as:

  • Closed OTC deals with password protection

  • Discounted sales with whitelisted addresses

  • Token pools will include dutch and sealed-bid auctions

  • Crowdfunding

Last updated